A Typical Day This Fall
7:00am - alarm goes off... hit snooze
7:15am - alarm still going off... FINALLY get out of bed
7:20am - take first sip of coffee and start feel awake less zombie-like
7:25am - have shower
7:40am - finish cup of coffee while getting dressed
7:45am - get second cup of coffee and breakfast for Zona
7:50am - make lunch for Zona
8:00am - finish getting ready - hair, clothes, brush teeth, etc.
8:10am - complete Zona's hygiene process
8:20am - pull Zack and Saphira from their beds if the shower/dryer/older sister haven't already waken them up
8:25am - start madly dashing around the house trying to get little kids ready to go, while yelling at Zona to finish getting her shoes/clothes/backpack/coat on
8:35am - pile everyone into the van for the drive to the school to drop Zona off
8:40am - drop Zona off at Grade 1
8:45am - pile out of van and go back in to the house
9:00am - start 3rd cup of coffee and get little kids breakfast
9:10am - check e-mails and log-in to Twitter
10:00am - realize that I've been fooling around on 'Net and finally open up writing project
10:20am - start writing/editing
10:30am - get interrupted by kids wanting a snack
10:40am - sit back down at computer and start working
11:20am - get interrupted again by kids wanting lunch and make Zacks school lunch
11:40am - check e-mails again and go back on to Twitter/Facebook
12:10pm - start getting Zack ready for school - brush teeth and hair, wash face, etc
12:20pm - get Boy drressed and get Saphira ready to go out again
12:30pm - sit back down at computer to let friends know I'll be gone for a while and to make sure all work is saved
12:45pm - get shoes and coats and backpacks on
12:50pm - get in van to take Zack to school
1:00pm - drop Zack off and get back into the van
1:10pm - decide what to do for the afternoon with Saphira
1:30pm - hit the grocery/department/book store and browse/buy stuff, visit grandma, run errands
2:30pm - take purchases home
2:40pm - change Saphira and get her a snack
2:45pm - check e-mail, Twitter, Facebook and see if anything interesting has been happening (usually NOT)
3:10pm - get back in van to go pick kids up from school
3:25pm - go into school to pick up Zona and Zack
3:30pm - get out of school only to fight with the kids about actually leaving
3:45pm - win the arguement, and everyone get's back into the van
3:55pm - get home and get kids snack
4:10pm - get Zona changed/ready for skating/gymnastics/dance and change Saphira, and remind Zack to go to the bathroom
4:25pm - leave the house again to get Zona wherever she needs to go...
6:30pm - FINALLY get home again and unload the van of people and all their crap
6:45pm - cook/heat up dinner
7:00pm - force kids to sit down and eat something
7:05pm - force kids to sit BACK down and eat something
7:15pm - force kids to sit BACK DOWN and eat something
7:30pm - give up the fight and tell the kids to get the PJ's on
7:40pm - bedtime bathroom process - brushing teeth and hair, washing faces, potty reminders
8:00pm - tell Zack and Saphira a short made up story and tuck them in
8:10pm - tidy up dinner mess
8:20pm - go down to Zona's room and prep for the next day - pick clothes, pack bag, etc
8:30pm - ready Zona one of her library books
8:40pm - turn off the lights and come up stairs
8:45pm - check e-mail, Twitter and Facebook again, as well as other communities
9:00pm - call Husband to chat with him about the day
9:15pm - decide what to do for the rest of the night - tv/movie/work/clean/etc, and do it
11:20pm - prep coffee maker for morning and get ready for bed
11:30pm - get in bed
12:15pm - double check that alarm is turned on
12:40pm - finally fall asleep...