
Showing posts from February, 2019

Thoughts This February 4th

February 4th has never really been a date with ominous undertones in our home but a series of (truly) unfortunate circumstances through the years has made it an increasingly important one to mention, to acknowledge, and in our way observe. All of you should know that February 4th is considered “World Cancer Day.” Or you should know, unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past decade or so. It’s an internationally observed day intended to raise awareness of cancer and to encourage it’s prevention, detection, and treatment. (source: Wikipedia )  In this day and age practically every person has, in some way, been affected by cancer. Honestly, I think it’s probably a pretty rare thing nowadays that a person wouldn’t know someone who has had cancer, or someone who knows someone who has. We definitely don’t need six-degrees of separation to find a link.  Here in the Corner Table House cancer is a disease that we’ve become increasingly familiar with. Both Heli D...